
e-healthy ship: Hamburg project on health management in merchant shipping


The analysis of accidents and illnesses on the high seas shows how necessary a fast and adequate emergency and intensive care of seafarers is today.

When a ship is in port, the medical infrastructure with doctors and hospitals on land is used. Contact is then usually made via the ship's agent.

The situation is more difficult when a medical emergency occurs on the high seas. A quick reaction is necessary. Large container ships in particular often travel several days to weeks on their way from Europe to Asia or America without calling at a port or being close to land.

The main objective of the interdisciplinary e-healthy ship project is therefore the adaptation and optimisation of health management on ships without doctors on board.

The project is an interdisciplinary joint project running from 01.07.2017 to 31.12.2021. It promotes independent research and development and knowledge transfer in effective cooperation with companies in the maritime health industry.

The project has a total volume of EUR 1,860,616.54. The budget for the project consists of funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the funding programme of the Hamburg Authority for Health and Consumer Protection (BGV) and the project partners' own funds.


The overall goal of the e-healthy ship project is to optimize health management on board merchant ships. Particular efforts are being made:

  • improving health care for workers on the high seas
  • the further development of onboard health promotion
  • facilitating the implementation of health and safety regulations

Together, these elements serve salutogenesis, the empowerment of seafarers and the conservation of personnel resources on the ships of Hamburg shipping companies.

By developing and using innovative IT technology, the networking of established maritime information systems will be tested, scientifically evaluated, improved and their meaningful expansion driven forward.

Expected results

An IT-supported health platform to be developed in the project will be available for the nautical officers (especially for the so-called "health officer") on a central laptop or tablet PC (e.g. on the ship's bridge) and will relieve this group of people of their complex tasks.

The platform will consist of various health-related applications ("modules", e.g. for emergency care, telemedicine, documentation, vaccinations, hygiene, training, nutrition). They will be developed, implemented and evaluated within the project.

Involved partners

Project duration

01.07.2017 until 31.12.2021

Volume of funding

approx. EUR 1.86 million

Main topics

  • Physical fitness
  • Nutrition
  • Ergonomics
  • Skin
  • Fatigue
  • Mental health conditions